opk welcome to 2nd fuseki. now its my favourite strategy as hwite (for the moment). this is beter known strategy so if uve seen it before maybe u can skip this poste! but if uve never seen move 6 b4, u may say "wow, what radical play. is he crazy??"? this is prboe that allow white to play hifgh level strategy, and if b do not reply in certain wayy, it is most favorable for white (using research from pro game database). i will explain intention as i show varition;
straightaway u see here the goal of white. black push many time on top, securing a profit- but now, white may approach at 12 without being picner. white breaks the side in comfortable fashion, and the 3 stone are simply forcing moves. if white plays carefuly, they will act as a reduction played extra early. white deoes not move the stone, he only defend it when the tming is right. this sequence gives white most favoribable win % in pro record.
here we see b pincer. most greedy! but, does not the 3 stones peering down into the hoepful 'moyo' put a damper on his plan? a pincer like this is counterrpruoductive, for black is already reduce!
here is furhter flolowup for white. u may notce b only pushed twice on top - this merely give more adji to white to exploit. the move 16 applyes equally to if b push three times. its clear the pincer of 3 is completely wasted! the technique of 16 is also useful if b does not pincer, as large midldegame.
uit is however a probe. b may also reply this way. what for white?
hreere is method 1. white draw out, (a jump of 1 space is equivalent technique almost). b has many option in reply.
her eis most popular variation. strangely enoguh, w win more than 70% of time when this is followed. the 2 stone have same chilling effect as the 3 stone in pervious variation on any pincers, so b must placidly play knight move in reply.
however, it seem that pushing twice b4 keima underneath leads to b superiority. w loses almost all the games in pro records!! it seem the reducing stones may have less value than the corner here. this is useful 2 remember if u are on b side of the equation in this fuseki. that leaves two choices to avoid it for white - he may jump once instead of extend (the stone are lighter, so if b attempts to bring him down to pace, w may ignoer lightly, or play faster shape), or
there is nseen the idea of treating sholuder play as true force move. w may lightly skip out w/ shoulder paly when it is strategicaly favorable- if b spend extra move on it, w will enjoy a speedier fuseki.
anyhow, in my iopinion, it give quite a dyanmic result for white. i hope you may also find it interesting and perhaps incorporate this method into your play. the STRATEGIC series is not over; next update will cover a strong diagonal fusejki for white, that black frequently permit!! then perhaps update on defeating tengen ! hope u enjoy!!!
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Kudos for linguistic flair, I found it cool and bonus!!
And yes, help us defeat tengen.
how if black play high pincer instead of low pincer?
biondy, high & low pincer is same. the 3 stone prevent the pincer from being good. in diagram with move 16 attachment, u can see method that applies anytime w feels that his prospect elsewhere are settled. its very difficult for b not to fall behind if he tries to use pincer, high or low
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